
Alex Wright V

Mr Alex Wright is a 5th degree international instructor and has been studying Taekwon Do for over 20 years.  He received his first degree black belt in 2003 at the age of 15 when he began assisting in teaching at North Leamington TKD.

In 2012 Mr Wright was appointed the head instructor of North Leamington TKD.

Mr Wright has competed in many championships at a national level over the years and won many titles and medals.  He was promoted to an international instructor in 2018 and currently holds the title for British power breaking champion.

Mr Wright’s Black Belt Grading Dates

1st Degree Black Belt 0n 06.04.2003 – examiner Grand Master Oldham

2nd Degree Black Belt on 26.11.2005 – examiner Grand master Oldham

3rd Degree Black Belt on 20.11.2010 – examiner Grand Master Oldham

4th Degree Black Belt on 05.05.2018 – examiners Master John Archer, Master Ian Ridley

5th Degree Black Belt on 24.02.2018 – examiners Master John Archer, Master Ian Ridley, Master Andy Crisp, Master James Miley and Mr Dave Condie